Playlist Fixer

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Preparation of you Database

Before using the Playlist fixer, you must make sure that you VirtualDJ Database is clean.

Open VirtualDJ and go to the Settings window.


For each 'Drive' in the drop-down list, click on Check, Clean, Fix in that order.

File:VirtualDJ-Database Clean.png

This action will instantly clean your database files and make sure that no reference to old files remains.

Using the Playlist Fixer

Select VirtualDJ Folder

In order to fix the Playlists, first select the VirtualDJ Folder.

File:PF-Select Folder.png

The folder browser should automatically select the VirtualDJ folder. Click OK when the correct folder is selected.

The Playlist Fixer with then analyse your VirtualDJ database, Playlist files, History and VirtualFolders.
Depending on the size of your database this action may take several minutes to perform.

Select Files to fix

The Playlist fixer now displays a list of files (Playlists) and VirtualFolders it can automatically fix.

File:PF-File list.png

All files are selected by default. If you want a particular file to not be checked and fixed, you can unselect it in the file list.

Checking the files

Before fixing all files, it is recommended to check the files.

Click on the Check files button. This analyses all files and displays the amount of errors detected.

File:PF-check files.png

On the above screenshot, 33 errors were detected. This means that 33 file references where not found on your hard-drive.

Fixing the files

Click on Fix files to fix all your files.

When a file with the same filename is not found in another location, the Playlist Fixer will find similar filenames.

For an original file name:
College Ft. Electric Youth - A Real Hero.mp3

The Playlist fixer will find a 95% match for the following file:
College - A Real Hero (Feat. Electric Youth).mp3

When several files with a +20% similarity are found, the Playlist Fixer will display a list of possible matches.
You can then select the best match.

External Links

Download page:

VirtualDJ Home Page: