From Jeremie Leroy - XOJO Controls Wiki
Class used to contain each row of the PropertyListBox. This enables hiding rows, and providing alot more options for each row.
Methods |
Constructor |
Constructor |
ParentName |
The following class constants can be used to specify the values of the CellType and ColumnType properties.
Class Constant | Description |
Default constants from the ListBox control: | |
TypeDefault | Default, the same as the column type. |
TypeNormal | Normal, read only. |
TypeCheckBox | A check box is added to the cell. |
TypeEditable | The cell is inline editable. |
TypeMultiline | The cell is inline editable and can have several lines. |
TypeList | When clicking the cell, a PopupMenu appears with the list of values the cell can take. |
TypeEditableList | The cell is inline editable and a PopupMenu can appear like TypeList. |
TypeColor | The cell contains a color. Either Type the color (RGB format) or click the button to show the SelectColor dialog. |
TypeFolderItem | When clicking the cell, the GetOpenFolderItem or SelectFolder dialog is displayed. |
TypeRadioButton | A check box is added to the cell. Only one TypeRadioButton line for each header can be checked at a time. |
TypeRating | A five-star rating cell. |
TypePicture | Selects a FolderItem and opens it as a picture. |
TypeNumericUpDown | Displays a Numeric Value with up/down arrows. |
More line types can be added on demand.
See Also
PropertyListBox, PropertyListLine, PropertyListStyle classes. PropertyListModule module.